How do I join the fun?

Come home to Harbor
We partner with parishes to transform former convent buildings into places where young adults can live, work, and grow in Catholic community. They also receive spiritual & professional mentorship, particularly in the fields of business, technology, and the arts.
We add verve to parishes & support young adults in learning how to invest their diverse gifts for God’s Kingdom.
Only 1/3
Young Adults
Say they feel deeply cared for
According to a global survey of young adults (ages 18-35) by Barna, only 33% feel deeply cared for by those around them.
We believe community is essential to healing this gap. Community can strengthen its members in hope and faith, providing an atmosphere that accelerates members into their callings.
Vacant convents
Transform them into an asset
Empty or underutilized Church buildings are a financial and legal liability to resource-strapped parishes. But what if they could be transformed into hubs of creativity that address the loneliness felt by so many young people?
Secular companies are already buying old Church property and turning them into condos, libraries, and office spaces - and they're successful.